Towards green wireless networks via base station densification
With uniform densification of base-stations, the dependency on power amplifiers to transmit at unreasonble high powers reduces and opens the foors for greener wireless networks.
Checkout our short HotCarbon'22 workshop paper on the same:
"Multiple smaller base stations are greener than a single powerful one"
Building next-generation power-efficient base-stations with GreenMO
Today, wireless base-stations consume a lot of power and contribute significantly to the carbon footprint of wireless industry (1.4%), which compares to that of aviation industry (2%). Further, with next-generation networks connecting more users, and even more devices, the power consumption is only going to increase, with more antennas and more data backhauling required.
GreenMO breaks power-spectrum tradeoff
GreenMO virtualizes a single high bandwidth RF chain over multiple antennas to create a best of both worlds solution which is as power efficient as OFDMA and as spectral efficient as massive MIMO.
Prototype hardware
We design a custom PCB which can allows for 4 users multiplexing via 8 antennas connnected to a single RF chain of WARPv3 SDR
Agrim Gupta, Ish Jain, Dinesh Bharadia
Agrim Gupta, Sajjad Nassirpour, Eamon Patamasing, Manideep Dunna, Alireza Vahid, Dinesh Bharadia
(Under submission)